1843 William Makepeace Thackeray [Presentational Copy] The Irish Sketch-Book W.F.A Delane, Esq. 2 Volumes, Inscribed

William Makepeace Thackeray. The Irish Sketch-Book by Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. With Numerous Engravings on Wood Drawn by the Author. In Two Volumes. London: Chapman and Hall, 1843. In original cloth.
Inscribed: W.F.A Delane, Esq. with the writer's compliments.
Presentational copy. W.F.A. Delane, a barrister, of an old Irish family, who around 1832 was appointed by Times publisher John Walter II as financial manager of The Times. Thackeray made many journalistic contributions to the Times.
Presentational copies are extremely scarce.
1915 dedicated to Charles Lever coming from the library of the late General Brayton Ives. 1920 Thackeray dedicated to Percival Leigh. These are the only presentational copies to be found on Rare Book Hub.
